Today we had about 3/4 of the day to spend in Fira, then we were on our way to Athens. Our last stop before heading home. We had breakfast on the balcony one last time, packed up and checked out of our hotel. They let us keep our suitcase and my wheel chair at the front desk until it was time to go to the airport. We did a little more shopping, had one last Souvlaki, (YUM!), wrote some post cards and got some stamps to mail them. If I promised you a post card on our journey I hope you got one, and I probably sent it from Santorini.

We left for the bus stop with plenty of time to get to the airport, and thank goodness we did. When we went to get on the bus, it was hard to figure out which one was going where. There was an greek man yelling out, what I thought was, "airport." We got on, then the bus started going down the island, I knew something was wrong because the airport was definitely on the top of the island and we were headed down to the water. We asked and realized that the bus was headed for the "old port" not the "airport." Thankfully we had enough time to go back to the bus stop and get on the right bus and they didn't charge us for the extra ticket. We made it to the airport with a few mins to spare, said goodbye to the wonderful island of Santorini and we were off on our 2 hour flight to Athens.

We got to Athens that evening. We were staying at the hotel right next door to the airport; which was awesome. Especially because our flight, in two days, was leaving at 6am and all we had to do was walk next door. The hotel was a little pricey but again worth the extra money. It is a five star hotel and very nice, after thirty four days of traveling, honestly I felt a little too scummy to be at a five star hotel, oh well. The room was absolutely amazing, it was sound proof and had black out shutters. It was actually kind of creepy, almost claustrophobic feeling, but it was better than hearing planes take off and land all night.
If you've been reading these last couple of days you probably noticed that we splurged on our accommodations, and it was the best decision we made. Towards the end of our trip it was so nice to have places to stay that we were not sharing with other people or our host, and that was easy to get to. We could have stayed in Athens (about 30 min away from the airport), which would have been probably half as expensive, but we would have had to get in to the city the night we arrived and back out the morning we had an early flight home. Both Jen and I were sick with head colds and exhausted from traveling for a month so trying to find our way into Athens with a suitcase, my wheel chair and several carry-ons would have been a feet we might not have been able to concor. If you're planning big trips like this just think about the fact that you will have more energy when you start than when you are ending, and plan accordingly.
We went back across the street to the airport to get some cold medicine and cough drops, then headed to bed early. Tomorrow was our last full day in Europe.
Side note: if you want to remember details about your trip (where you ate, what you had, what you saw what you did etc.) best to keep a detailed journal along the way. Both my sister and I cannot remember what we did for dinner that night. I remember looking at the room service menu, thinking we should get something, but I don't remember actually getting it. So we must have got something at the airport across the street when we went to get medicine. I'm sure it had to do with the fact we both didn't feel good and what ever it was must not have been that memorable. I do wish I would have kept more notes along the way, but I've done pretty good remembering.
Catch up on all the days:
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