one year ago...
We are coming up on the one year anniversary of our trip to Europe. Its hard to believe that a year has gone by. It is even hard, sometimes, to believe that we even went. I look at pictures of all the wonderful, dream-like places we went and it feels dream like. I remember coming back last October, literally beginning work (nannying) and life the very next day, and everything was back to normal, back to the same old routine. I'm not sure what I expected, but I guess for all the planning I did and money that was spent, I think I expected life to be changed a little more than it was. Back in Idaho, like I had never drove through the green countryside of Ireland, or rode down the grand canal in a gondola, or ate and ate and ate real Italian food in Italy.

After life did get back into a routine and a few months had past, I started working on a photobook of our trip. It took me 4-5 months to search through 10,000+ pictures, edit the good ones and then arrange them in the album. They are awesome and worth all the effort and money, if nothing more than for the purpose of remembering this amazing trip we got to go on. Its also a wonderful way to share the memories with others.
As I look back on this blog and my photobooks I realize there are a lot of holes left in the story. Not to mention half of the trip that still has yet to be shared. I realize that it was a year ago and some of you probably don't have that much interest in what I was doing a year ago, but if you do or you have interest in European travel, check back each day in September to see "where we are" and hear more stories, tips and lessons learned from our trip. If nothing else this will hopefully be a way to motivate me to write/archive the amazing adventure my sister and I took one year ago.
Bon Voyage!

After life did get back into a routine and a few months had past, I started working on a photobook of our trip. It took me 4-5 months to search through 10,000+ pictures, edit the good ones and then arrange them in the album. They are awesome and worth all the effort and money, if nothing more than for the purpose of remembering this amazing trip we got to go on. Its also a wonderful way to share the memories with others.
As I look back on this blog and my photobooks I realize there are a lot of holes left in the story. Not to mention half of the trip that still has yet to be shared. I realize that it was a year ago and some of you probably don't have that much interest in what I was doing a year ago, but if you do or you have interest in European travel, check back each day in September to see "where we are" and hear more stories, tips and lessons learned from our trip. If nothing else this will hopefully be a way to motivate me to write/archive the amazing adventure my sister and I took one year ago.
Bon Voyage!
Catch up on all the days:
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