Day Two: Up Up and Away...

Today was spent on airplanes and in airports. Our flight left San Francisco for Boston at 8:45am. A flight I had flown so many times over the last 11 years. However, this time Boston was only a layover and Dublin was our final destination, and this time I was not traveling solo as many times before, Jen was with me, and our journey was beginning. Our parents dropped us off at the airport and we said our goodbyes. I had decided when planning this trip that there may be a time along the way that my knee would stop cooperating and I didn't want that to keep us from seeing things, so I researched and found a transport wheelchair that was light weight and compact. The chair only weighed 19 lbs and fit into a small trunk space (compact rental cars in Europe are super compact). The chair was tricky sometimes, I didn't end up needing it as much as I thought, which was good, but it also was a pain to transport especially getting on trains with it. But I ended up really needing it whe...