Why do you need to know how to order coffee in Europe? Because often times you wont find coffee on the menu. Brewed or filtered coffee is not traditionally served in the UK, Italy or Greece. Also in Italy traditionally cappuccinos or any drink with milk is only consumed in the morning. After 11am Italians drink caffe (espresso). One more thing about Italy ordering, if you order a Latte you will get a big glass of milk. You have to say "caffe latte" or caffe con latte" to get an espresso with milk. If you want something close to black coffee I would suggest a "long black" or "americano."

Espresso or in Italy a Caffe: A shot of espresso
Flat White: Espresso with a lot of steamed milk
Latte or in Italy "Caffe Latte": Espresso with steamed milk and a little foam
Cappuccino: Espresso a little steamed milk and more foam
Macchiato: Espresso with a little milk foam
Long Black: Espresso poured over hot water
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