Day Twenty Two: Romeo oh Romeo...

2014: Have a friend visiting and didn't finish this one but you can look through the pictures....sorry, finish it later! :) _________________________________________________________________________________ Not sure I even want to write about this, because it's such a bad memory, but I think it is good to share to help people who are traveling to Europe, especially with limited mobility who might need a little help. We took the train from Venice to Verona, stopping in Bologna and having to switch trains. Jen had our large suitcase and some carry-ons and I was pushing the folded up wheel chair, cane in hand and probably another carry on around my arm. We got to this point in the train station where the track was above us and we had to climb several stairs. As we were walking to this part a man started following along side me. When we got to the stairs he offered to help Jen with our large bag up the stairs, thinking that he was a nice guy and saw our need, we let him he...