Day One: Driving to San Francisco

Everything is packed. Two girls have managed to squeeze five weeks of clothes and toiletries into one suitcase. Might be the first of many miracles that happened on this trip. This trip is actually happening. In my life, I usually dream up big things, big adventures, wild plans, but never do they actually happen. About two years ago, as 30 was suddenly not so distant, and my health was becoming increasingly poorer, I had an “its now or never moment”. Still single, with limited responsibilities, and a love for Europe I began to plan a once in a lifetime trip, leaving no desired spot off the itinerary and giving myself no time or budget restraints. I still remember the day that I began to plan the adventure. One afternoon while I was visiting home in California, my mom and I watched another unrealistic but wonderfully romantic comedy, “Letters to Juliet.” The story and characters left me feeling happy and hopeful, but most of all the setting of the film spar...