Day Twenty Eight: My favorite Italian city...

Florence was one of my favorite cities that we visited but you'll have to wait to find out why because today in 2014 was busy and all I had time for was to load the pictures. Stay tuned! I'll fill the rest in later.

San Lorenzo Mercato Centrale

Basilica di San Lorenzo

The Duomo

Palazzo Vecchio

Ponte Vecchio

Gusta Pizza

After lunch we stared walking back, towards the Galleria dell' Academia to see the Statue of David by Michelangela. Here are some more pictures of Florence we saw on our walk back. We walked by a building covered in American one dollar bills.

Basilica of Santa Croce

Piazza Michelangelo

Catch up on all the days:

one year ago    Day One    Day Two    Day Three    Day Four    Day Five    Day Six    Day Seven
